Annual dues charged to member institutions once a year support the work of the Association. The 2024 annual dues are $375.00 per institution and can be paid by credit card here by December 15, 2024. Please email [email protected] if you would like to pay by check.
Benefits of becoming a Member Institution: 1. Interact at annual meetings with NSTC officers and staff and with representatives from colleges and universities. 2. Share best practices from various NROTC detachments. 3. Discuss various campus issues 4. Enjoy a collegial annual meeting and the enrichment of meeting colleagues from across the country. 5. Enjoy a Navy Day of enrichment at each annual meeting in visiting U.S. Navy facilities as well as cultural and historic venues. 6. Form friendships with representatives from other colleges and universities.
To become a member:
To become a member, the institution's representative should submit a letter of interest to the Association. Once confirmed with the NSTC that there is a naval ROTC unit on campus, new member is welcome to join.
The new institution is strongly encouraged to join the next annual meeting, which will provide a wide network with other institutions with ROTC units. At the annual meetings, the "new member orientation" session is a great opportunity to meet new members, as well as answer any questions about the Association.